Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 3: Santa Monica Pier, Venice Beach & Marina Del Ray

Another warm day in LA. Took a bus down to the beach. First stop Marina Del Ray which is said to be the largest man made boat port in the Americas. Blake was happy as he could see all the planes departing LAX from here. After a short break we strolled along the boardwalk from Venice Beach to Santa Monica Pier. Certainly some colourful characters live in that part of the world. Took us about an hour to walk. Blake found some use for the GoPro on one of the giant swings. Thanks to Posh Beckham we found a really nice place for lunch at 'Santa Monica Place', a shopping area just a couple of blocks back from the beach.

Santa Monica Beach
Basketball at Santa Monica
Venice Beach Lifeguard Tower
Luxury at Marina Del Ray
Yummy pizzas
A run in with the LAPD

Venice Beach Palms
Babes of Santa Monica
Sun setting over Santa Monica Beach
The Beckhams favourite eating
 place at Santa Monica
Marina Del Ray

Santa Monica Pier

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